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Distinguished Member
Oct 17, 2008
Reaction score
Gloucestershire / Cotswolds
Been offered advertising at my local Homebase store. The adverts are placed on a big display board and are in the form of large business cards. The marketing co do all artwork etc etc and every 15 days visit store to replenish cards. Cost to me is

Don't like the sound of that Cirrus.

Only Electrician Advertising there - Guaranteed? Hmmm.

dont use it. been offered it many times before. just a waste of time.

big thing to notice here: its a DIY store. if they are in the DIY store, they probably want to DIY, and not get a pro in!

Have you tried it though Andy? I spoke to a couple of sparks today who had and they said it worked for them. Also spoke to one who said it didn't. Just want to see what the wider picture is really.

I've just started something similar. 8quid a week and your tied in for a year.

20second advert in the window of my local estate agents, on a tv screen showing their properties. A website with flash created for me (which you get to keep at the end of 12months) and the estate agent will reccomend me for electrical work to their clients, PIR's and such like.

Just going to give it a go and see what happens.

and at which point you can bargain with them more: they obviously dont have anyone else to fill the place, so tell them you will only pay X amount per month

i cannot put this strongly enough, i have put my dinner to one side to write this as i feel so strongly about it, 'STAY WELL CLEAR AND TELL THEM TO SHOVE IT UP THEIR ARSE ALONG WITH ALL THEIR OTHER ADVERTS OR SCAMS'.

Got no work from it, and then they went and put another board in the store with another electrician advertising in it. When i informed them of my exclusivity contract they denied it was their board. Then they admitted it was their board and claim it was their sister comapny not them so i had no exclusivity!!! I refused to pay and they called in the entire two years monies!

Told trading standards, consumer direct and citizens advice, all agreed with me i should take them to court as i would win as their SISTER company arguement was a load of ****. Unfortunately running a business takes up my whole time and i havnt got time to do that so i had to pay the theiving *******s.

Sorry for swearing but advertsing with them is the worst business decison i have made to date.

Blimey Wozz - strong case there and thanks for taking the time. That is what worries me - the whole 2 yr bit. I spoke to the sales rep tonight and told him I would NOT sign for 2 years. His parting shot was "let me chat to the boss and see what deals we may be able to do". Losing confidence rapidly

you will pay for the business card display, then they will put a post box type thing in there with flyers in it from a sister company, i have also seen them use the saving stamps machines with adverts in them no doubt another sister company that means no exclusivity.

nice enough artwork just liars especially when they were denying it was them doing the advertising! all i can do now is take as many cards out the bloody machine as possible.

God knows how chains such as sainsburys and homebase get involved with a company with such bad practices.

And to top it all got TWO yes two phone calls from it in over a year, others may have had more but did not work what so ever for me.

I Had a call a while back from local Tescos asking if I wanted to advertise in there shop there spin was local businesses local community and all that ballcocks. Anyway to cut a long story short I told them I was not interested after all it was them who ruined my previous milk business so they would not be getting a penny from me.


you will pay for the business card display, then they will put a post box type thing in there with flyers in it from a sister company, i have also seen them use the saving stamps machines with adverts in them no doubt another sister company that means no exclusivity. nice enough artwork just liars especially when they were denying it was them doing the advertising! all i can do now is take as many cards out the bloody machine as possible.

God knows how chains such as sainsburys and homebase get involved with a company with such bad practices.

And to top it all got TWO yes two phone calls from it in over a year, others may have had more but did not work what so ever for me.[/QUOTE]

Probably because you keep taking all the cards out
haha you cudnt empty it, the thing holds 500 or sumthing like that, i take about 50 at a time, taking them out in quantity is suprisingly difficult so cant stand there forever trying to pull them out or you would look a bit strange. I sent a apprentice in there to get some once and he got questioned my the store security gaurd!

]Been offered advertising at my local Homebase store. The adverts are placed on a big display board and are in the form of large business cards. The marketing co do all artwork etc etc and every 15 days visit store to replenish cards. Cost to me is
Well, after such positive feedback I have sent the sales rep a message declining his offer and also took pleasure in telling him he seemingly has a product in which the reputation isn't good. Will concentrate my efforts elsewhere in future. Cheers for the help chaps
