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    4mm T&E for ring circuit

    AS Above . Does your method of installation require it...rating factors etc ?
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    8 on one 3 on the other.

    All the points you make are valid ,but the situation you describe is not in any way uncommon. How many rooms are downstairs ? It possibly may not comply with current regs. i.e. inconvenience or danger in the event of a single fault .would need more info however before commenting...thats...
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    17th edition update

    Yes ,in order to do the update course only, as opposed to the full 4 days then you have to have obtained your 16th Ed post Noz has said though, there is nothing stopping you from just taking the exam itself.....bit of bedtime reading for you then eh Noz !
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    17th edition update

    Hi Evvo. I beleive The NICEIC require the Q.S to have it by the end of this year at the latest, dont know about other bodies...have you checked with elecsa ?
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    Callibration certs How much?

    In my area denmans are running a calibration day in the next week or so... dont know about other areas though.....Multi-function ..
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    17th edition update

    Who is the Qualified Supervisor
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    NIC DI and Charity shop

    Did it myself about two years ago and that looks about right.
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    What I found today

    Hysteresis! .. i thouight that was a medical condition ! :D
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    NICEIC. Problem!

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    day from hell

    Hi maselec , sorry to hear about your bad expereience , and all the advice about insurance and apportioning blame and small claims is all well and good ,but in the real world of domestic customers jobs .the best bet is forget it and move on no matter how much it hurts at the momemt,,,as soon as...
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    floor boards

    :coat Yikes ! I thought i was going wrong somewhere Noz :coat
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    GE Consumer units.

    Yeah . the controlgear stuff is at the bottom end of the market ,but their Steeple range is better quality all round ,and as i say i think it is GE rebranded.....on the subject of controlgear and headroom for rcbos though they do a unit especially increased in height for such applications.
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    GE Consumer units.

    Batty, I have a feeling that Denmans Steeple brand is GE rebranded......others may clarify if this is so .
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    smoke alarms on cu change

    I wouldnt say so Tom. if you havnt actually installed them and if you havnt been requested to test them. You will of course have to I & T the suppies to them.
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    New cooker install question.

    Hi wmoore. If thats what currys specify then thats what you will need, as Sparkytim states there delivery staff are only trained to connect to the low level outlet unit AS you already have the cable running from the above worktop isolator down to the cooker position why not just install the...
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    RCD's tripping

    From what you describe ,i would say it looks like Supply related problems.....a call to the DNO may produce some help .
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    NIC DI and Charity shop

    Not so for my initial assesment. a Domestic was accepted as part of my quota of jobs...Thats NICEIC for you though isnt it ?
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    old megger

    Great stuff there Robin ....your a Star ! :Applaud
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    There's first time for everything....

    ..FOR THE TILER ..